We value your trust you have placed in us. That is the reason we take utmostcare for protection of your data. Please read the following statement to learnabout our information gathering and dissemination practices.


Our Platform may collect Your Personal Data for business purposes. Thispolicy explains how we handle Your data; including what we collect, howwe use it, when and if we disclose it, and some of your options formanaging your data with Plutomen.

When You access Our Platform, we collect and store your personal datawhich is provided by You on timely basis. We need to collect Your data inorder to provide You with better Services and make Your experience betterwith Us. We only collect information which we consider necessary to meetOur requirements. You can simply browse the Platform without providingUs any information about yourself. In case You want to access OurServices then We would require some information to be provided by You.


Usually we collect Personal Data which includes but is not limited to:

  • password;
  • financial information such as Bank account or credit card or debit cardor other payment instrument details;
  • Your geographic location;
  • details of Your telecom service provider or internet service provider;
  • the type of browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Google Chromeetc.);
  • the operating system of Your system, device and the Website You lastvisited before visiting the Platform;
  • The duration of Your stay on the Platform is also stored in the sessionalong with the date and time of Your access, general information iscollected through various ways such through the use of cookies.Platform may store temporary or permanent, cookies on Your computer.You can erase or choose to block these cookies from Your computer.You can configure Your computer's browser to alert You when weattempt to send You a cookie with an option to accept or refuse the cookie. If You have turned cookies off, You may be prevented fromusing certain features of the Platform;
  • any detail relating to the above clauses as provided to body corporatefor providing service; and
  • any of the information received under above clauses by body corporatefor processing, stored or processed under lawful contract or otherwise;
  • Platform may use third-party service providers to post advertisementson various Websites across the internet and advertisements by thirdparties can be posted on Our Platform. They may collect generalinformation about Your visits to the Platform, and Your interaction withour Services on the Platform. Please do note that Sensitive PersonalData and other Personal Data may be treated differently as per thisPrivacy Policy.

    However, We do not store any information related to credit card/ debitcard, CVV Number, expiry date or 3D secure password, online bankingusername or password. All the card/online banking related details arecollected by a third-party payment gateway. We receive and storelimited information including the transaction ID, time, name and otherdetails entered by You on the Platform of the payment gatewaynecessary to identify and verify the payment made by You. Whateveryour chosen online mode of payment, You can be assured that (insertname of the third party payment gateway), the Platform’s trustedgateway partner uses secure encryption technology in order to keepYour transactional details confidential at all times. These gateways aremanaged by leading Banks who use the 3D secure password service,created by You, to provide an additional layer of security to Your onlinetransactions.

    While availing any of the payment method(s) available on the Platform,the Platform will not assume liability, monetary or consequential, forany loss caused to Users due to payment issues arising out of thetransactions or of usage of data provided to gateway partner.

    Further, when You call another user or make internal calls within theteam for access of Services through the Platform, You transmit voiceand video via internet. We do not view or listen to the content of Yourcalls as well as We do not record such calls.

Information We Collect

The App utilizes the front camera on your device in conjunction with ARKit's ARFaceTrackingConfiguration for the purpose of switching between cameras within the App. This functionality may utilize features similar to TrueDepth API to optimize camera switching based on the user's environment and preferences.

While the App may access the front camera and utilize ARFaceTrackingConfiguration, we do not collect or share any facial data beyond what is collected by the TruDepth functionality. Specifically, we do not store, process, or transmit any facial recognition data or biometric information. Any facial data captured by the App is solely used for camera switching within the App and is not retained after the App session ends.

Information Usage

The facial data captured by the App is used solely for the purpose of optimizing camera switching functionality within the App. We do not use this data for any other purposes, including but not limited to advertising, marketing, or profiling.

Information Sharing

We do not share any facial data collected by the App with third parties. The facial data remains solely on the user's device and is not transmitted or stored externally.

Data Retention

Facial data captured by the App is not retained after the App session ends. Once the user exits the App, any facial data collected during the session is discarded and not stored on the device or our servers.

User Controls

The App does not provide any user controls related to facial data since no facial data is collected or stored by the App beyond what is necessary for camera switching functionality.


We collect information for following purposes:

  • To provide the Services
    We use data about You to offer assistance to You, incorporating toprocess exchanges with You, verify You when You sign in, give clientservice, and work and keep up the Services. Our Services additionallyincorporate customized highlights that customize Your experience,upgrade your profitability, and improve Your capacity to work togetheradequately with others via naturally breaking down the exercises ofYour group/team to give perceptions and proposals that are importantfor You and Your group/team. We may utilize Your email space to gatherYour connection with a specific association or industry to customize thesubstance and experience You get on Our Platform and to sendmarketing information. Where You utilize different Services, Weconsolidate data about You and Your exercises to give a coordinatedencounter, for example, to help You to discover data from one Servicewhile looking from another or to introduce significant item data as Youtraverse Our Platform.
  • To improve and optimize the Services
    We use information We collect to improve the execution of eachprocedure, provide observations and recommendations, and to assistYou in optimizing Your work processes.
  • For research and development:
    We are continually searching for approaches to make Our Servicesmore brilliant, quicker, secure, coordinated, and helpful to You.
  • To communicate with You about the Services:
    We use your contact information to send transactional communicationsvia email and within the Services, including confirming Your purchases,reminding You of subscription expirations, responding to Your comments, questions and requests, providing customer support, andsending You technical notices, updates, security alerts, andadministrative messages. We also send you communications as Youonboard to a particular Service to help You become more proficient inusing that Service. These communications are part of the Services andin most cases, you cannot opt out of them.
  • For Customer support
    We use Your information to resolve technical issues You encounter, torespond to your requests for assistance, to analyse crash information,and to repair and improve the Services.
  • For safety and security:
    We use information about you and your Service use to verify accountsand activity, to monitor suspicious or fraudulent activity and to identifyviolations of Service policies.
    comments, questions and requests, providing customer support, andsending You technical notices, updates, security alerts, andadministrative messages. We also send you communications as Youonboard to a particular Service to help You become more proficient inusing that Service. These communications are part of the Services andin most cases, you cannot opt out of them. e.For Customer support: We use Your information to resolve technical issues You encounter, torespond to your requests for assistance, to analyse crash information,and to repair and improve the Services.f.For safety and security:We use information about you and your Service use to verify accountsand activity, to monitor suspicious or fraudulent activity and to identifyviolations of Service policies.In addition to the above points, we use Your information for other lawfulpurposes related to our business and in furtherance to fulfilment oflawful contract.


In some instances, We and Our Service Providers use cookies and othertechnologies to collect certain kind of information whenever You visitOur Platform and through emails that are exchanged between us. Acookie is a small piece of text file stored by the Platform on a User’scomputer hard disk, when the Platform is opened. The Platform usescookies to store a unique identifier for online customers to enhanceUser’s experience. If You chose to disable the cookies, You might not beable to fully experience the interactive features of the Platform.

Other third-party tools and widgets may be used on Our individual webpages to provide additional functionality. Use of these tools or widgets may place a cookie on Your device to make their services easier to use,and ensure Your interaction is displayed on Our webpages properly

Cookies by themselves do not tell Us Your email address or otherwiseidentify You personally. In Our analytical reports, We may obtain otheridentifiers including IP addresses, but this is for the purpose ofidentifying the number of unique visitors to Our Platform andgeographic origin of visitor trends, and not to identify individualvisitors.



The Platform provides You the option to opt out of receiving non-essential communications (promotional/marketing-related) from thePlatform or on behalf of any of their partners after setting up anAccount. You can unregister/unsubscribe from the lists/newsletters/andpromotional mails by pressing the “unsubscribe” button provided in thepromotional communications sent to You.

We store data for as long as it is needed in order to provide You withServices including those described above. Information associated withYour account will be kept until Your account is deleted, unless we nolonger need the data to provide You the Services. You also have theoption of deregistering for Our Services or deleting Your account. WhenYou delete Your account, We delete information that You provided to Us.


Your personal data may be disclosed by Us to third parties. Thisdisclosure may be required for us to provide you access to ourServices, to comply with our legal obligations, to enforce our Terms ofUse to facilitate our marketing and advertising activities, or to prevent,detect, mitigate, and investigate fraudulent or illegal activities relatedto our Services. We do not disclose Your personal data to third partiesfor their marketing and advertising purposes without Your explicitconsent

We may disclose personal data if required to do so by law or in thegood faith belief that such disclosure is reasonably necessary torespond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process.


We may collect and store Your Personal Data in India and also with ouraffiliates and third parties which are based in other countries. We shallmake sure that the recipient of Your Personal Data incorporates andimplements equivalent level of protection as implemented by Us.


In accordance with Information Technology Act, 2002 and rules madethereunder, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer areprovided below:

Name: Hiren Kanani

Address: 503, Venus Atlantis, Prahladnagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India- 380015

Email id:


Plutomen has stringent security measures in place to protect the loss,misuse and alteration of the information under Our control. WheneverYou change or access Your account information, We offer the use of asecure server. Once Your information is in Our possession, we adhere tostrict security guidelines, protecting it against unauthorised access.